Friday, January 24, 2014

First Blog Post EVER

Well, I've come into the 21st century and created a blog!  It seems like all the cool kids have done it, and I'm not gonna lie I've always wanted one.  I hope I can be as smart and witty like the other bloggers I read out there, and actually post about cool stuff that people will read.  Who knows if I'll get any followers (other than my Sisters, my Mom, my Sister-In-Law and my Mother-In-Law), but I'm going to give this blog thing a shot!

In an ideal world, we would be starting a family at a time that I could *gasp* quit my job and be a stay at home Mom/Avid Crafter/DIY woman!  But since we live where it is ridiculously expensive we cannot afford this little dream of mine.  I always thought I'd be able to stay home until my kiddos went to elementary school, and then I'd go back to work doing something part time.  But we've just realized if we were to wait until then we will run out of time.  The clock is a ticking!

So we started on this baby possibility journey like any engineer-mind would -- spreadsheets and planning!  Last year during our open healthcare enrollment we decided that we were definitely going to try for a baby in 2014.  So we put money aside in our Flexible Spending Account, and I created a spreadsheet with all of the possible options on timing, pricing, etc, because that's what I do.  If I can make a spreadsheet and determine the most financial way to do anything, then I feel accomplished.  Sometimes it's a sickness...

Both of our families have a lot of celebrations from May-September, so we are trying for a late Fall baby.  And Fall just happens to be my favorite time of year!  

I went ahead and consulted my Sister, Amanda, since she has had 2 babies of her own and I knew I could trust her to keep my secret!  She told me that after 7 months of trying and no baby, she started to do some research.  Apparently it is common to track your ovulation by taking your basal temperature each day.  She did this and was able to get pregnant right after, and then again used the same method to get pregnant with her next.  So off I went to buy a basal thermometer and away I went.

Note: There are some really cool phone apps out there that help you in tracking... really kinda takes this technique into the "new age"!  I first was just charting using what came with the thermometer until Amanda told me about the phone apps!