Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nothing New

It's been just over a month since my miscarriage, and not much has changed since then.  I did go see an OBGYN, and everything looks "normal".  I have another appointment scheduled in 3 weeks where she will do bloodwork to check for thyroid, vitamin deficiencies, etc., to make sure I'm in tip top shape for when we try again!  The only news I have is we've booked our trip to Jordan (with a stopover in Dubai) which will be happening in 4 weeks!  We will be gone for 15 days (including travel) and are quite excited (and maybe nervous)!  And we also found a deal on a flight to Chicago that we could just not pass up, so we will be going out to see my sister and her family right before my birthday in October.  Happy 28th Birthday to me!  These next few weeks will be busy as we prepare for our trip: getting travel insurance, making travel plans, and packing.  It will be an incredible experience and I cannot wait!