Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

The New Year brings us into 2015 and into full baby prep mode!

I took off Christmas Eve this year so we were able to spend Christmas with Tyler's family.  Unfortunately Christmas night I came down with a really bad stomach virus.  I was sick all night and ended up camped out on the bathroom floor.  On the plus side, Digger got a companion for the night since we had him locked in the bathroom because he had a few accidents the last time we visited.  Friday I spent recouping on the couch and we came home that evening.  Almost everyone got sick the next night, but not nearly as bad as I did.  Saturday we had tickets with my friend from work to go see Virginia Tech play in the Military Bowl in Annapolis, MD.  Luckily we WON and Tyler didn't get too sick to where he couldn't go to the game.  That evening we spent resting and finally felt 100%.  On Sunday we helped celebrate our neighbor's daughter Leah's first birthday at a party at their house!  

I worked Monday-Wednesday the next week.  Our other friends in the neighborhood had a small get together on New Year's Eve, which was so nice to be able to walk to something!  We hung out until midnight and then headed home.  On Thursday, some people from the neighborhood organized a 2-3 hour hike through the park by our house.  We took the dogs and they had a blast!  They passed out almost immediately when we got home for a nice nap.  We then went over to my Mom's house to visit with my sister, Amanda, and her kids, who were visiting from Chicago.  On Friday my Grandma (Geeda) came up, and we had Christmas and celebrated my Dad's birthday.  Saturday Amanda left to return home, and we worked quite a bit on the house.  By 1:30 pm we had accomplished: I worked out, Cleaned/organized our front hall closet (the shoes have a "home"!), Picked up around the main level, 1 load of dishes, 4 loads of linens, Started to clean out the carport (reorganized some heavy car parts, raked up the leaves, etc), Cleaned the baby jumper and stroller, Chased Digger in the pouring rain (that dog!), Tyler built a fire and we ordered pizza!  And all that in 4.5 hours!  It helped that we had a couple over that helped us from 10-noon with the carport.  After I realized how much we accomplished, I relaxed for a little enjoying the fire and then we went to see a movie.  Then we went over to my Mom's for dinner as she was having her family over to celebrate to holidays.  A lot in 1 day!  Sunday was spent being lazy (Tyler had a home inspection) and another dinner at my Mom's to see my Grandma before she went home on Monday.

I am now 19 weeks!  How the time has flown.  Tomorrow I have a checkup with the Endocrinologist, and then our 20 week Ultrasound the following Monday, followed by my 20 week checkup on Thursday with my OB.  I can't believe in a week we will find out if we're having a boy or a girl, and I will be halfway through my pregnancy.  It really just makes me freak out just a little because we have a lot to get ready for little Pickle!

In other news, I have just signed up to become a consultant for Jamberry Nails!  I just started using this product and really love it!  So if you're reading my blog, and want to try some out, let me know and/order through my website:  I will be having a launch party in about 2 weeks, and my consultant kit will be in at the end of this week with my samples!  Yay for pretty nails that LAST!

My next post you will find out if baby Pickle is a boy or girl!!!

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