Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My First Pregnancy Test

(Days leading up to my very first pregnancy test)
I've been counting down the days to see if my monthly "friend" would visit me this month.  My cycle has been very consistent since stopping birth control.  I decided in advance to wait until the morning after I was 2 days late to take a pregnancy test, which would be Tuesday, March 11.  I consulted with my Sister, and freaked out with her when I really was 2 days late.  I could hardly sleep Sunday and Monday night, I was thinking so much about it!

(Morning of my very first pregnancy test)
I leapt out of bed (well not really since I had to move the dog from his slumber to allow me to get out of bed!) and ran to the bathroom.  I kept thinking I hope my "friend" didn't come.  My Sister had already texted me 20 minutes prior saying she couldn't sleep she was so anxious (and let me remind you that she is an hour ahead of us, so it was 5:00 am her time!).  I took the test and anxiously waited for the results... and waited... and waited.  "NOT PREGNANT" flashed across the screen.  My first reaction was "OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOO" because I thought for sure it would say "pregnant".  I texted my Sister the not good news and tried to hold it together.  All I wanted to do was crawl back in bed and ditch work for the day.  My Sister suggested re-testing in 2 days assuming I was still late.  She also shared some positive hope and said she knows someone who doesn't test positive until a week after her missed period.  I tried to not think about it too much until I could google more info!  Once I got to work I read from several forums that the pregnancy tests are different from person to person.  Sometimes, people know their pregnant days before their missed period, others not until days after their missed period.  I'm really hoping I'm in the latter and that I might actually be pregnant but the hormones aren't showing up yet.  Now to anxiously wait another 2 days, and going to the bathroom frequently!!

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