Friday, March 21, 2014

My Second Pregnancy Test

I took my second pregnancy test on Friday, March 14.  I was so anxious to see the results and I tell you what, those 2 minutes you wait are excruciating!!  Much to my disappointment the test said "NOT PREGNANT".  Now I was thoroughly confused because I thought I was 5 days late and took again to the internet.

Once again, I was schooled in how the female body works.  I didn't know that your ovulation date determined when your period would start.  I know by tracking my BBT that I ovulated on day 21 of my cycle (which is considered on the late side), and then your luteal phase lasts 12-16 days before your period starts.  So I thought my period was late based on my average 28 day cycle, but in actuality because I ovulated late my period "due" date was actually not the same.  And wouldn't you know on day 14 of my luteal phase my not so friendly "friend" showed up right on time (of the "real" time).  Major bummer  :(

So back to the drawing board we go and I continue to try to chart out and make sense of the female body!

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