Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Well, it absolutely PAINS me to say this, but I have had a miscarriage.  I started to have some cramping and bleeding on Thursday when I got home from work.  I decided to stay home from work on Friday, since my new doctor's office didn't open until 8:30 am and I knew if they wanted to see me I'd basically leave work when I got there to drive back to Arlington.  Although the doctor did not see me, they ordered bed rest and to monitor my symptoms.  I tried not to move on Friday (other than to get food and go to the bathroom), and took it easy Saturday and Sunday as well.  When I called the doctor again Monday to report my progress over the weekend (the cramping and bleeding stopped Saturday morning), I was able to move up my initial new patient appointment a week to July 9.  I really wanted to get checked out and get some blood work taken to make sure things were still progressing.  My sister recommended I call my current gynecologist and see if they would be able to do blood work.  I called them and luckily they squeezed me in and said they wanted to see me ASAP because of my symptoms.  My doctor was concerned about the bleeding, and ordered some blood work.  He called me today after getting the results, and the blood work came back negative.  Although my doctor said this is never good news, it is good news that we know that I can get pregnant.  I knew this could be a possibility and had already tried to mentally prepare, but I was still not expecting his news.  I cried in the bathroom at work for about 40 minutes, while texting my sister and a few other friends I had reached out to.  My doctor recommended we wait a full period cycle before we try again, just to make sure everything has sorted itself out.  I am really sad and it's just so crazy how up and down you can go in exactly a week.

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