Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Third Times the Charm?! I Think Not...

I haven't even thought about posting in awhile because I didn't have an update since the last post.  We are still trying, but are still not pregnant.  It has been really difficult to try to predict my ovulation, since my temperatures are not consistent and really bounce back and forth.  This is our 5th month of trying, and I know that's not a really long time, but when you have it on the brain it really seems like a long time.  

So far, I have waited until a missed period (or at least what I thought was a missed period) to test since I don't want to waste the pregnancy tests!  The bad thing with that is the suspense is always grueling just waiting!

My third pregnancy test was taken the morning on Tuesday, June 17.  We were visiting Tyler's family the previous weekend, and I decided I wanted to wait until we were back home since I wouldn't necessarily have privacy to take a pregnancy test, and I didn't think I could keep it a secret if I found out I was pregnant!  That morning I really dreaded getting up, because I didn't want to disappointment if it said "not pregnant".  I finally dragged myself out of bed and took the test... only to find out the test was a dud!  Oh my goodness, this is some cruel joke because I didn't have another pregnancy test!  So bummed as I was, I had to go to work and try not to obsess over it.  I went on my lunch break to buy another test and then waited to test when I got home from work.  And waited, and waited... the day could not drag on any slower...

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