Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Updates

Well, it's been quite awhile since I've posted anything.  And I think the saying "No News, is GOOD News"... that's right, folks... I'm pregnant!!! (start your happy dance now)

Two days before we left on our trip to Jordan, I got my latest round of bloodwork back from the OB.  Turns out I have a thyroid issue, as well as they said I am Vitamin D deficient!  I scheduled an appointment with a thyroid doctor right when we got back from Jordan for their earliest appointment available, which was during the week of October 1.

I took a positive pregnancy test the afternoon of Friday, September 19.  I had intended to wait until my missed period to test, which would have been that Monday, but my sister talked me into taking the test early!  I got home right before 5 pm, took the test, waited and waited and waited, and then -- boom.  Positive!  Tyler was not home yet so I left the test on top of the toilet, knowing he would see it as soon as he went to the bathroom.  I was actually outside turning off the garden hose (right under the open bathroom window) and Tyler's head popped out and he said "did you see this?!?"  Surprise! 

I immediately called my sister with the good news.  We were both pretty shocked.  I tried to call my doctor to set up an appointment, but they were already closed.  So I would have to wait until Monday morning!

That weekend we actually went to visit my Godparents in Blacksburg.  It was so hard to not say anything.  We had a wonderful weekend visiting and ate a lot of good food!

On Monday I called both my OB and the thyroid doctor to see if they could see me any sooner since I had the positive pregnancy test.  They were both able to squeeze me in on Wednesday, September 24.  My appointment went fine with the OB - and the urine and bloodwork confirmed I was in fact pregnant!  My HCG level was 957 (over 10 is pregnant).  I then went to see the thyroid doctor, where they also took more bloodwork and got me started on the medicine while waiting for the results.  There is no risk to the baby whatsoever with the medicine, however there could be harm if I went untreated.  So, next round of appointments with the OB in 2 weeks and the thyroid doctor in 4 weeks.

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