Saturday, November 29, 2014

12 Week Checkup

I had my 11/12 week checkup at the OB on Thursday, November 13.  Man was I nervous!  When the doctor saw me she said I had great growth in my belly.  Which was nice because it felt like all bloat to me at this point!  She wanted to find the heartbeat using the belly doppler, which was exciting since I have yet to hear it!  She tried to find it for a few seconds and was unable to (it felt like an eternity!) and instead of making me freak out, she took me to another room to look on the ultrasound.  She quickly found the baby and saw the heart beating just fine!  It was amazing to see how much the baby had grown.  The first ultrasound was a little spec, and now I could actually see a head and make out a body!  In all of the commotion, I forgot to ask for a picture or take on on my phone!  Luckily, my 12 week ultrasound at Washington Radiology was on Monday!

That weekend we headed down to Roanoke to tell some exciting news!  We were also celebrating my birthday, and after presents I told everyone we had 1 more souvenir from Jordan we wanted to give them.  I had the old ultrasound in picture frames, and gave one to Sandy, Sarah and Tyler's Dad Claude.  They opened them at the same time, but Sarah finished first and immediately screamed!  Sandy knew something good was coming and once everyone had it open they were so excited!  Hugs came and we discussed how far along I was, baby names, etc.  Sandy said she had a feeling this week that we were coming to tell us some good news!  And Sarah said she was wondering when we would be making this announcement since she knew we had been trying for some time.

It was a short weekend, but it was nice to just relax for a bit.  And since they all knew, I was able to be extra comfy in maternity shirts :)

Monday morning we had the 12 week ultrasound.  Again, I was quite antsy and really had to pee since they make you come with a full bladder!  Everything went well with the ultrasound.  They had some trouble with the baby's position (he/she was resting on my hip), but were able to get the shots and measurements they needed.  The doctor reviewed the scans and everything looked good.  The baby's heartbeat was 167.  Both Tyler and I were amazed at the little bean flipping about, and kicking her/his arms and legs!  It reminded me of Finding Nemo where the sea turtles are riding the Great Barrier Reef!  I think it got really real for both of us, and we were excited that everything seemed to be progressing just fine.

My next OB appointment will be in 3 more weeks and I scheduled my 20 week ultrasound for January 12, 2015.  I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!

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