Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Next Few Weeks

I went to the OB on Monday, October 6, for more bloodwork.  Results were good!  My HCG levels are now 50,259 ("normal" range for 6 weeks is 158-31,795).  Then Tyler and I got to get our first ultrasound on Wednesday, October 8.  There is a really, really, really tiny baby in there!!  She dated me to 6 weeks, 2 days, which goes right with my calculations of my ovulation date.  My next appointment will be in another 5 weeks, and I scheduled my 12 week ultrasound as well.  The next 5 weeks will be an eternity!!

We decided to tell my parents that weekend.  They were both very excited!  I had started a 6 week bootcamp workout class with my Mom on October 11, and I didn't feel like I could keep it from her much longer!

My next thyroid appointment was on Thursday, October 23.  More bloodwork, and the results actually came back within the normal range.  So I am sticking to the dosage, and will continue to get monitored throughout my pregnancy.  Next appointment date in another 5 weeks.

That weekend we went to visit my sister and family in Indiana, outside of Chicago.  We had a great weekend of eating unhealthy (when in Chicago...) and doing lots of fall things!  We were able to squeeze in Maddie's Fall party at Preschool, a visit to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard, Blaine's 2nd haircut, Trick-or-Treating at the South Bend Zoo, a walk along the beach of Lake Michigan in New Buffalo, MI.  Not to mention eating ice cream twice!!  Maddie made sure to take me to her spot in town, Valpo Velvet, and then we ate at Oinks in New Buffalo.  And we fit all that in 3 days!  We told Madeline while I was there that I was pregnant (to make sure she didn't accidentally jump on me or kick me) and her reaction was priceless.  She got so excited, ran up to me and said "There's a baby in there?!? How do you know?  Can you feel it?"  I told her when she comes to visit next for Thanksgiving and Christmas she'll start to be able to see my belly grow.  She could hardly wait!

I have been very tired and nauseous these past few weeks.  My clothes are still fitting fine, but I can tell a little belly starting to poke out (either that or bloating, hard to tell!).  No food cravings yet, but certainly food aversions.

My Mom had my younger sister, Marianne, and her husband, Andy (or as we like to call them MariAndy), over for a birthday celebration on the evening of November 2.  I told them the good news, and they were really excited!  It was nice that the whole family now knew!

My next appointment is 1 week and 2 days away from today.  I am a nervous wreck.  I am thinking she may do an ultrasound since it has been awhile since I've seen her.  We wanted to wait for this next appointment before we tell Tyler's family just in case something were to happen.  I'm praying for the best, but there is always that chance.  We will go down to Roanoke that weekend of November 15 and break the news.  There will be some excited family members!

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