Thursday, December 18, 2014

15 Week Checkup

Everything went swimmingly at my 15 week checkup.  I got the hear the heartbeat for the first time, which was really neat!  Heartbeat was 150 bpm!

My doctor said she thought I was measuring 2 weeks early.  We'll see if that means anything!

I have been feeling really good.  It's nice that work now knows and I don't have to worry about what I wear.  I have been a lot more interested in food.  I haven't had any cravings, but have been more interested in "comfort foods" (think mac & cheese, grilled cheese, pb&j).

I have only gained 6 pounds so far, which I think is really good.  Working out has for sure helped.  The strangest thing is really feeling my belly stretch.  The baby is so small but I feel like he/she is doing bear stretches in there!

I thought I was doing really well on my weekly picture taking, but it seems weeks 11-14 skipped by with no pictures... opps :)

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