Monday, December 8, 2014

15 Weeks and the Cat's Out of the Bag!

We have made the announcement to immediate friends, family and work!  I am now 15 weeks along and feeling much better.  Obviously some days are better than others.  I'm still finding it hard to get in the recommended servings of fruits, vegetables and water!  Who wants to eat that stuff?!?  Not when you could have french fries or potato chips :)

Everyone was very excited for us.  We actually got a lot of "I knew it!" so I guess it's about time we have a baby!  I have my next appointment this week and I'm excited to see how things are progressing.  I have started to wear some maternity dress pants since they are oh so comfy!  At this point, it's really hard to tell if I've just gained weight around my midsection or if I'm pregnant.

5 more weeks until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!!  Can you tell I'm really excited?!?

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