Wednesday, March 11, 2015

24 Week Checkups

The Monday (President's Day) of our Nursery & Office Reorganization Weekend I also had my 24 week checkups with my OB and my Endocrinologist.  

At my last appointment with my Endocrinologist, the bloodwork came back and my TSH levels had risen.  So he increased my dosage and wanted to see me at 24 weeks to recheck my levels.  Everything went fine at this appointment and the bloodwork came back normal, so my next appointment (and probably final appointment before the baby) will be at 33 weeks.  

I also had my 24 week checkup with my OB following that appointment.  Everything also went well, and I scheduled my next appointment for 28 weeks and the 1 hour glucose test.  Also at 28 weeks I have the additional ultrasound to check on the Placenta Previa, which was a small concern at my 20 week ultrasound.  I am nervous, but also excited for the additional ultrasound and another chance to see our little girl.  My Mom is also going to join me for this ultrasound, which will be so cool for her to see!

Here's an unrelated picture, but it is our first clothing purchase!  Carharrt overalls that we found on sale!  Adorable!

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