Thursday, March 12, 2015

Food Prep

The following weekend I worked on prepping some yummy food.  Tyler and I have a really hard time getting dinner prepared.  We seem to go in cycles where we will do really well making dinner, and then the following week be so burned out that we eat out or order in.  It's really difficult when we both get home around 6 or 6:30 pm and then have to make dinner.  By the time dinner is made and we have cleaned up and done the dishes, it's 9 pm and we're exhausted!  Tyler had to work on Saturday, which we got MORE snow, so I figured I'd try doing some frozen crockpot meals.  We went shopping on Friday night and Saturday I worked and worked and worked.  By the end of the day I had made a lot!

1. Blueberry Buckle Bread (similar to coffee bread) for breakfast:

2. Crockpot Chicken Pot Pie for dinner, plus biscuits from scratch.  Turns out the only cookie cutters we have are to make dog biscuits, so we had some fun shapes:

3. 8 Freezer crockpot meals, plus egg cups (with veggies) for breakfast and strawberry banana muffins for snacks/breakfast:

Now to keep on track and actually make some of these!!

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