Tuesday, March 24, 2015

28 Week Ultrasound

Well a huge weight has been lifted.  The concern with the Placenta Previa is no longer!  At my ultrasound, the doctor confirmed that the Placenta has moved with the baby, which is pretty typical.  Tyler had a job and missed the most of the ultrasound, which was unfortunate (he came in after the technician had taken the images but before the doctor came in).  The technician took a lot of measurements and pictures because she said the baby was "giving them".  Finally cooperating!  She even took some 3D imaging, which was so awesome.  Stats were as follows:
-HB 144
-Weight: 2 pounds, 12 oz
-Height: Measuring within a day of my due date

We had a bit of an issue at the beginning of the appointment.  I couldn't find my doctor's order before leaving the house and figured they might not need one since this was a follow up from the last ultrasound.  Well, when we got there they said they couldn't do it without one, and my doctor's office didn't open for another 35 minutes, grr!  My Mom and I decided we would drive over to my doctor's office because it was very close and they weren't answering the phone.  I was able to get another order and we were back for the ultrasound and were seen around 9:10 am.  Only 50 minutes behind which really isn't too bad considering.  And I of course found the original doctor's order later that day.  At the end of the day we got some great news and another chance to see our little girl!

 I think she has Tyler's nose and my cheeks! 

 I just love this picture!  She looks like she's practicing her fainting skills!

I had my checkup with the OB later that week as well.  I also got my one hour glucose test at the appointment.  We will wait for the results, and I now start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks!

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