Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Gender Reveal!

I have not been good about posting recently, I'm sorry!  So I will do my best to catch up on the past few weeks.

We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday, January 12.  We had the same technician as we did with our 12 week ultrasound, which was nice.  Baby Pickle was not super cooperative for all of the measurements, and it took a bit of body repositioning on my part, but they got everything they needed.  Tyler and I found out the gender at the ultrasound, but waited to tell our friends and family that Wednesday evening.

We met at TGIFridays for dinner and an extra special dessert that I baked.  Everyone was so excited and could hardly wait for dessert.  People kept trying to ask us questions to get us to spill the beans, but we were good and didn't fall for it :)  Tyler's Mom also happened to be in town for a work meeting, so she got to participate as well.  We attempted to skype my sister in Chicago (I'm not sure how much she comprehended "at the moment") and we called Tyler's sister after.  When it was ready for dessert, everyone took a bite at the same time to reveal a special color in the inside of the cupcake............. PINK!  It's a GIRL!!

Tyler and I still hadn't quite wrapped our head around that one since we were thinking it was a boy, but we are so excited to welcome this sweet baby into our family!  And now I can finally start thinking about nursery colors and clothes!!  Here's a few pictures from our ultrasound:

At the ultrasound, they were somewhat concerned with how close my placenta was to the cervix (placenta previa) and suggested another ultrasound at 28 weeks.  A lot of times the placenta moves as the baby grows, and hopefully this will be the case and the follow up ultrasound is just a precaution.  That week I also met with my OB for me 20 week checkup.  She hadn't gotten the results yet from the ultrasound, but everything checked out great at my appointment.  Next appointment would be in another 4 weeks!

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