Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I'm feeling movements!

I'm finally feeling movements!  I think I felt my first one on Tuesday, January 27.  I was lying on my side watching tv and all of a sudden felt this poke up by my rib.  It did it maybe 3 times, and then nothing else.  I texted my sister immediately, and she wasn't so sure it was movement since it was so high and it seemed more like a muscle spasm.

That next day at work I started to feel a few more pokes, so then I was really starting to wonder if these were kicks!  Then the next day, this little girl started moving and grooving!  These were definitely kicks.  It was so crazy, as soon as I got to work and sat down I got about an hour of poke here, poke there.  She must have been enjoying life!

I was so happy to finally feel something and to know everything was as it should.

Here's a bump update (not with my board - so bad!!) at 22 weeks:

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