Monday, March 16, 2015

Making My List and Checking it Twice!

Tyler and I took a birthing class the next week at the hospital.  We learned some valuable information, but what I really took away from it is this baby can really come at anytime.  Which starts to freak me out because we still have a lot to do as far as the house is concerned and getting our lives organized!  Now, technically, not everything has to be done before the baby, but I know once the baby comes we won't have quite the same time that we used to.  I also want to take a Newborn Care class and a Breastfeeding class, which I have yet to sign up for.

I made it a priority to make our "To Do List" and work out a game plan on how to accomplish these items.  I have tasks we need to complete each weekend, as well as during the week after work.  The stuff during the week will be really difficult to stay on task with, so hopefully those freezer crockpot meals will come in handy as they will take an item off the list immediately - dinner!  The weekends are also tough to get everything done since Tyler usually works all day Saturday.  But I know my schedule needs to be fluid and what I don't get done just moves to the next week.  There are items on the list from laundry, cleaning, organizing to crafting and DIY!  It also helps to get some dates written down for when we already have commitments, and won't be able to get stuff done around the house.

Next week I have my 28 week ultrasound and my checkup with the OB.  I also went ahead and scheduled an eye doctor appointment and Tyler and I will do a "meet and greet" with the Pediatrician's office we are looking at going with.  Let's hope this little Pickle stays still enough for a picture, because she is a mover!

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